Aldis, digital asset management



Great design requires (and deserves) solid implementation

Whether your digital asset library is hosted in the cloud, at Aldis, or internally—we help you design and implement your DAM system, optimize your software for asset management best practices, and incorporate the latest technologies to meet your needs.

  • Software customization
  • Taxonomy & metadata fields
  • Hardware optimization
  • Media storage
  • Backup scheme
  • Long-term archive
  • Media migration
  • Testing & QA
  • Multi-site syncing

Workflows and Processes

An optimized DAM solution with clear workflows increases productivity.

Defining repeatable processes for ingesting media, tagging and optimizing digitized content, and creating back-ups are keys to a successful DAM. We help with:

  • Taxonomy implementation
  • Metadata structures
  • Ingest procedures
  • DAM support procedures
  • Automated back-up plan
  • Retention schedules
  • Documentation
  • Training
Great DAM design requires balancing the right parts and pieces

Hosting Options

Your DAM Hosting Plan should fit your needs

Most modern DAMs utilize a hybrid of available technologies. Do you need local, high-performance servers to support your post-production team? Or do you need to serve multiple departments spread across the globe? 

Does your hosting plan match your team's technical abilities?


Hosted in the cloud and built on industry-leading cloud technologies.

  • Server scalability
  • Storage scalability
  • Immutable cloud backup
  • Robust security


Dedicated high-performance servers, secure storage, managed and hosted by Aldis.

  • Onsite technical support
  • Performance hardware
  • Local librarian access
  • Robust security


A centralized repository hosted at your facility and built on the technologies of your choice.

  • Performance hardware
  • Local network speeds
  • Direct access production support