Aldis, digital asset management


Access Control

Access control is the ability to access and use a system or access devices on a network and is determined through system administration settings such as permission levels, network or VPN connection requirements, or user groups and status.

Apache Server

An Apache Server is an open source web server architecture that can be utilized in a number of ways, including serving content to the internet as well as encrypting that web traffic.

Automation Engine

A system that allows users to build complex actions with a minimum of human interaction, such as transcoding and copying/moving files, sending notifications to users, running backup and archive tasks, based on watch folders and/or metadata flags.


Making a periodic copy of everything on your system (media and databases) which can be reverted to in the case of system failure. This could be cloud, drive, or LTO-based, and best kept in an off-site location. Unlike archive, the backup is meant to be short-term disaster recovery.


A general term to refer to services offered over the internet on remote (not local) servers.

DAM Champion

An individual or group of individuals responsible for the promotion, implementation, and use of the DAM system. Champions lead the charge to help establish buy-in from various stakeholders and work to integrate the DAM into the organization's work environment.


A form of information security in which data is translated into another form that is unreadable unless it’s processed with a specific software key or password.


A set of guidelines and procedures for engaging stakeholders in a process of sustained change management over time. Establishing a team for Governance ensures that a DAM system will remain relevant to the sets of users it is supposed to serve.


‘Graphical User Interface’ is the term used for visual interface displays that use graphics, icons, buttons, and other visual cues as opposed to purely text-based or command interfaces.

Headless CMS

Refers to a content management system that is not connected directly to a front-end system. Instead, a headless CMS will manage content like a repository and use APIs to push content to various front-end platforms. This creates a CMS that does not force what front-end system is used or limit how content is pushed to other systems.


Where hardware or software is located and operated; this could be at your location, a partner location, a cloud data center, or a combination of these.


An extension of the standard HTTP web protocol similar which encrypts web traffic for enhanced data security.


Making use of a combination of on-premises and cloud options, such as having a copy of your files in the cloud as your backup while your main active storage is in the walls of your building.


A hypervisor is software that can create and manage multiple virtual machines on a single physical host, allowing multiple operating systems and applications to run on the same hardware simultaneously.

Ingress / egress

Refers to incoming or uploading (ingress) and outgoing or downloading (egress) of content from server storage. Often used in pricing models for cloud environments that store content. This refers to content coming and going through the server environment and the bandwidth required to manage that activity.


"You may hear the word "migration" used in several different contexts. A system migration is the process of moving from one DAM platform to another, including the transfer of content and data that maintains associated files and metadata.


Data migration is the detailed process of moving records and metadata coherently and efficiently between systems. In this phase, careful attention should be paid to asset management best practices to effectively convert and map records for automated or manual migration to the new system, ensuring that data has been captured, cross-walked, and imported properly.


Format migration is the process of transforming a set of media files from one format to another for purposes of accessibility or preservation. It is often performed to make the content web-accessible, limit the file size, or move to a lossless format for preservation purposes."


Shortened from ‘on-premises’, this refers to hardware or software located and running within the walls of your facility rather than a remote facility. This is sometimes referred to as ‘terrestrial’.


Software developed to allow different systems to talk to each other or provide additional functionality within a system.


The ability of a process or system to change or adapt in size, functionality, or performance due to organizational or end-user needs. Dependent on the responsiveness of a system or service provider to initialize and implement changes based on application or system demands.


How many users a system can have. Some DAMs limit the number of separate accounts (or “named seats”), others allow for unlimited accounts, but only a certain number can be logged in at the same time (“concurrent users” or “floating seats”).


A term used to describe a few different types of computer hardware or software in the DAM realm. These could be storage servers designed for holding all the digital files, software servers that run specific applications such as the DAM or automation engine, web servers that manage the web interface for a DAM, or media servers, optimized for shuttling large files around quickly, such as to LTO or cloud archives and other distribution needs.


The integration of digital technology into multiple avenues of an organization's workflows and processes. Transformations are intended to create new or make modifications to existing policies and procedures –introduce new technologies, integrate technologies, and enhance current capabilities.


Widgets are small tools or applications that can gather and present specific information in a clear and direct manner without the need for entire sections or components of information and systems in the way. Widgets can gather information from different processes and systems and bring the data together to present to end-users. Widgets provide easier access to specific information defined by the purpose of the widget.


A catch-all term that could be used to describe any somewhat standardized processes within the overall DAM environment, ranging from specific automation and API tasks to the steps to follow for ingesting content into a DAM to the full media production process.

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