Aldis, digital asset management


Block Storage

A form of data storage that breaks up files into multiple smaller blocks, each stored as its own separate piece with a unique identifier. This can help make the most efficient use of space on a storage volume, but adds the complexity of the system needing to track where all pieces of a file went when it’s asked to retrieve them.


Checksums are unique values created for a file intended to maintain file integrity. They are created by running an algorithm based on every bit in a file. Common algorithms include MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and SHA-512.


Compression is used in many digital file formats to reduce the amount of storage capacity needed. This is done so files can be quickly uploaded and downloaded. Examples of compressed file formats include JPG, WEBP, MP3, etc

Flash Storage

A storage device that has no moving parts required for use. Memory cards, USB thumb drives, and solid-state drives are all examples of flash technology. Flash storage typically has very fast read/write speeds, as there’s no need to position a reader over a disk or tape.

Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

A type of storage with no moving parts, often built around flash memory. They are typically faster, quieter, and less prone to physical damage than disk-based drives, though also usually more expensive per terabyte and their lifespan can depend on how long it’s been left without power.

Linear Tape-Open (LTO)

‘Linear Tape Open’ is an open-standard technology for magnetic tape data storage. LTO provides high data density with a long shelf life and ease of migrating data between generations as the technology continues to evolve.

Lossless Compression

A designation of compression that refers to file formats that maintain their file structure bit-by-bit, over time, maintaining the file's integrity and providing long-term accessibility. Good for preservation of digital files.

Lossy Compression

A designation of compression that refers to file formats that may discard unnecessary information from a file, causing subtle file degradation over time that can result in consistency and accessibility issues.


Storage that is designed to prioritize available space over speed. This is often used in conjunction with high-speed or “performance” storage, allowing assets to be more accessible than ‘Offline’ or archive storage.

Object Storage

Object storage is a form of scalable data storage that relies on unique identifiers for any given object, as opposed to a hierarchical file system or blocks of memory on a drive. Any type of digital item (discrete files, applications, or even large datasets), along with accompanying metadata and a unique identifier are bundled to be considered a single ‘object’ within the storage system. Providers include Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, and OpenStack Swift.

S3 (Amazon)

S3 stands for Simple Storage Service, and is a form of cloud storage that allows customers to store files as well as host and run applications. The S3 standard has expanded beyond Amazon at this point in the evolution of cloud offerings.

Solid-State Drive/SSD

A type of storage where data is magnetically written to and read from a spinning platter. They are typically slower to use than solid-state drives but remain cheaper per terabyte. While they can retain data for long periods and be rewritten many times, they are still susceptible to physical damage or mechanical failures from disuse.


Z File System or ZFS is a highly configurable file system and software RAID (redundant array of independent disks) that allows you to turn nearly any piece of server hardware into a working ZFS storage server and works well for many DAM systems.


ZIP is a compression format and tool used to shrink file sizes for storage and transmission. It combines numerous files into a single archive, simplifying management and sharing. Frequently utilized for distributing files, email attachments, and storage needs.

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